We can help you reach agreement on any matters that affect your children. This might include who they live with, how they spend time with each of you, holidays, birthdays, Christmas, seeing wider family etc. We can also help you to reach agreement on the seemingly small things that can make a big difference such as routines, bedtimes, homework, discipline etc.

Our aim is to help the two of you work together as parents so that your children get the best from each of you and do not feel caught in the middle.

As part of the mediation process we can help you to find ways to improve how you work together as parents and discuss how you each want to bring your children up.

Child Inclusive Mediation

As mediators, we help you make decisions together about your children. Sometimes as part of the mediation process we can consult the child involved to enable him/her to have a direct say in the things that affect them. This can be particularly helpful where you and your ex have different views about your children’s wishes. If you think that consultation with your child might be of benefit to him/her, you and your ex can discuss with the mediator how this might best be undertaken.