JKS Mediation is here to help separating or separated couples in the South West. In person meetings are available in  Chippenham,  Cirencester and Stroud. Online meetings via video call are also available.

Mediation can:

  • Cut the emotional cost to you of separating or divorcing
  • Cut the emotional cost for your children when their parents live apart
  • Cut the time it takes to sort out your differences by enabling you to talk directly with each other
  • Cut the financial cost compared to alternatives

Separating is an emotional time for everyone concerned.  You may experience a whole range of feelings that make it very difficult for the two of you to decide the practicalities of living apart. This is where mediation can really help.

Mediation offers an opportunity for the two of you to meet together to make plans about new arrangements for the future.  These may be about your children and how they will divide their time between two households or it may be about your finances and your property. Nothing is too big or too small to discuss in mediation. Every family is different and will have different needs and priorities.  Mediation can help you to negotiate your separation in the best way possible in your particular circumstances.

Mediation can also help if you have been separated or divorced for some time and need to make new arrangements for your children and/ or sort out financial matters with one another.

To get in touch see Contact Us